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Extended Essay: Research

Academic Research

Once you have done your pre-reading and have your subject and topic set, you want to start doing academic research. Academic research is more in depth and scholarly than what you did in your pre-reading. Databases will give you information that will come from academic journals and you can also find peer reviewed articles there. Google Scholar will give you articles written by experts in their chosen field and also let you know how many times it has been referenced or quoted by others.Tools that will help you do this type of research are:

  • Google Scholar -
  • Questia School
  • Student Research in Context
  • Opposing Viewpoints
  • Global Issues in Context

The easiest way to get to the databases is through your ClassLink portal (



What is academic research?

This video is from 'Developing Your Research Project' is a free online course by the University of Southampton available on 'Standing on the shoulders of giants'. Did you know that you can find this metaphor written around the edge of a £2 coin?

Annotated Bibliography

What is an Annotated Bibliography?

    An Annotated Bibliography has two parts. First it will include an accurate citation (bibliography) of the resource (you can use NoodleTools for this). Second will be the annotation, which by definition is a summary and/or evaluation.

Why write an Annotated Bibliography?

    An Annotated Bibliography requires the writer to read a source more carefully and critically, it is a way of doing more than just collecting information. When you are researching for a project of this scope you want to find as much information as possible at the beginning. You don’t know where your research is going to take you and you won’t really know what sources you may use. It is good practice to find and cite as many sources as you can and then go back and read and evaluate them for their usefulness. After a first read through/skim of your sources you will have a better idea of which sources you want to annotate. It is good practice to develop a bibliographic list of about 10-12 sources that relate to your topic and then narrow it down to six you would like to annotate.

What to include in your Annotated Bibliography?

    Writing a concise annotation means summarizing, analyzing, and reflecting on the source. Use the following questions to write your annotation.

  • Bibliographic information (you can copy and paste from NoodleTools)
  • Authority or qualification of author
  • Point of view or perspective
  • Intended audience
  • What are the main points in the resource?
  • If someone asked you, what is this resource is about, how would you explain it?
  • Is this a useful resource?
  • Does this resource contain reliable information?
  • How will this resource fit into your EE?
  • Was this resource helpful to you?
  • Has the resource changed your ideas about your topic?

Annotated Bibliography Template


Checking Sources


During the research process you will be meeting regularly with your supervisor as well as with me. Below you will find suggested talking points for those meetings.